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(Message started by: Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 20th, 2004, 9:01pm)

Title: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 20th, 2004, 9:01pm

Another question today
i got 2 french 4th edition bops with one wich the text is placed left
and the other(wich is alot darker) the text beeing centered.

Anyone who knows about this


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Erl00 on Jul 20th, 2004, 10:01pm

One must be 4th, the other one Revised WB.

Copyright lines should be different (1994 and 1995).


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by mintcollector on Jul 20th, 2004, 10:10pm

[completely off topic]

Eric...take the time to get your avatar over to Ralph.  The angelfire image is getting a tad annoying.  You post here enough so take a minute to email it to Ralph.

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 20th, 2004, 10:58pm

on 07/20/04 at 22:01:21, Erl00 wrote:
One must be 4th, the other one Revised WB.

Copyright lines should be different (1994 and 1995).


both have a 1995 copyright date
almost all of the text is excactly the same , only the left text uses the word questa, and the centered uses the word tale

i can provide scans if there needed.


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by ende73 on Jul 20th, 2004, 11:19pm


could you spell out the whole text on each card?
This is kind of puzzling  ??? and intruiging  :o


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Erl00 on Jul 21st, 2004, 12:09am

Questa??? Tale?? Does not sound French at all!

How are these BoPs called?

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by themike314 on Jul 21st, 2004, 12:36am

I'd be willing to bet that one is Spanish and the other is Portuguese.

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Mr.C on Jul 21st, 2004, 3:49am

questa is "this" in italian... tale? give me the text of the card, and i´ll tell you what editions... me and the entire commuity...

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 21st, 2004, 8:53am

actually didnt wanna spell out all those cards, :)
but well her i go, without all those reading signs :)

ucelli del paradiso

evoca ucelli del mana

tap: Aggiungi un mana di qualunque colore alla tua riserva. Questa/ Tale abilita viene utilizzate con la velocita di un`interruzione.

Well, like you see, all excactly the same except for that 1 word


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Erl00 on Jul 21st, 2004, 8:54am

Lol, They are Italian, not French.

So, one must be 4th Edition and the other one Revised White Border. These two sets have the same copyright in Italian.


Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 21st, 2004, 8:57am


lol, i seriously tought it was french

the bops i have i tought was italian is
oiseaux de paradis

invoquer : oiseaux mana

tap: ajoutex un mana de n`importe quelle couleur a votre reserve de mana. Jouez cette capacite comme une interruption

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Erl00 on Jul 21st, 2004, 12:54pm

on 07/21/04 at 08:57:33, Lord_of_Llanowar wrote:

lol, i seriously tought it was french

the bops i have i tought was italian is
oiseaux de paradis

invoquer : oiseaux mana

tap: ajoutex un mana de n`importe quelle couleur a votre reserve de mana. Jouez cette capacite comme une interruption

Oiseaux de Paradis are indeed French
Aves del Paraiso are in Spanish
Ucelli del Paradiso are in Italian

Don't know for German (Volgen something?)
Nor for Portuguese ...

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by rg on Jul 21st, 2004, 2:02pm

German: Paradiesvögel

(isn't "volgen" dutch for "to follow"  ;))

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Mr.C on Jul 21st, 2004, 4:15pm


Aves do Paraíso

Criatura - Aves de Mana/Ave

TAP: Adiciona uma mana de qualquer cor a sua reserva de mana.

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by magicdude on Jul 21st, 2004, 5:29pm

on 07/21/04 at 14:02:57, rg wrote:
German: Paradiesvögel

(isn't "volgen" dutch for "to follow"  ;))

Three cheers for our new honorary Netherlandian!

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by AXIOS on Jul 21st, 2004, 6:56pm

foei ricardo, can't tell the difference between the european languages?

Welke middelbare school heb je gehad??  ;)

Title: Re: 4th Edition French Bops
Post by Lord_of_Llanowar on Jul 21st, 2004, 10:47pm

on 07/21/04 at 18:56:07, AXIOS wrote:
foei ricardo, can't tell the difference between the european languages?

Welke middelbare school heb je gehad??  ;)

wat is dat, school? :D

gewoon een beetje stom van me, nu ik verder kijk zie ik het ook wel weer :S

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