
Dragon*Con Index


Type: multimedial fantasy, science-fiction, and horror convention
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Founding Date: 1987-??-??

Incentive Schedule

Date Cards
1987-??-?? to 1987-??-??
1988-??-?? to 1988-??-??
1989-??-?? to 1989-??-??
1990-??-?? to 1990-??-??
1991-??-?? to 1991-??-??
1992-??-?? to 1992-??-??
1993-??-?? to 1993-??-??
1994-07-15 to 1994-07-18 1 Nalathni Dragon
1995-??-?? to 1995-??-??
1996-??-?? to 1996-??-??
1997-06-26 to 1997-06-29
1998-??-?? to 1998-??-??
1999-07-01 to 1999-07-04
2000-??-?? to 2000-??-??
2001-??-?? to 2001-??-??
2002-??-?? to 2002-??-??
2003-08-29 to 2003-09-01
2004-09-03 to 2004-09-06
2005-09-02 to 2005-09-05
2006-09-01 to 2006-09-04
Notes: - The Nalathni Dragon card is gained by sending a postcard voucher which is handed out at the convention to Wizards of the Cost.
- The Nalathni Dragon card is sent together with a certificate of authenticity.


Internal Links External Links
logo Dragon*Con Cards
logo Dragon*Con
Commercial Links
Florida, USA: logo Purchase Dragon*Con Cards
Netherlands: logo Purchase Dragon*Con Cards