Cheapass Games Board Games

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MANA BURN: The cardboard Magic Card Collectible Trading Board Game. Presented by Cheapass Games and the Origins™ '98 International Game Expo & Fair. © 1998 Cheapass Games
Game Store
You may swap one card for the top two cards of the Graveyard.
Major Party
Roll one die.
1-8: Draw 2 cards.
9-12: Discard 2 cards.

Draw one card.

Discard one card or jump to "Re-Enter the Internet."
Spooky Vibes
You may steal a Drudge Skeleton from any player.
Crazy Abu!
You may skip your next turn for the top 3 cards of the Graveyard (now).
TRADE one card Go FISHING Ow! My Eye!
Discard one card.
Origins Auction
Auction 4 cards.
Origins Tourna-

Roll a die. On an 8-12, draw 3 cards.
MANA BURN MANA BURN Infinite Loophole
Roll again.
Friends in High Places
Draw 2 cards.
AUCTION two cards Myste-
rious Burning Smell

Discard one card.
AUCTION two cards Short Circuit
Each player contributes one card. Redistribute them randomly.
Blind Trade
You may swap onecard for the top two cards of the Library
Green is Strong!
Take up to 2 Blue cards out of the Graveyard.
Bus Token
Roll again.
TRADE one card Refund? Refund?
Return one creature to its owner's hand.
MANA BURN Goblin Riot
Gather all the creatures in play and redistribute them randomly.
M.U.D. Wrestling
Every player must either discard one card or sacrifice one creature.
Greedy You
Take the top 2 cards of the Graveyard.
Nose Ring of Ma'Ruf
Take one card from the Mana Burn pile.

Until another -Lace is hit, turn order reverses. Swap "Left" and "Right".
Tantrum of God
If the top card of the Graveyard is a creature, all matching ones die.
MANA BURN Meet Mr. Suitcase
Roll a die.
1-6: Draw a card.
7-12: Discard two.
The Real World
The Internet
The Game
Play for ANTE with any player Vesuvan Shift
You may swap one creature you control with another in play.
Gravy Train
Draw two cards at random from the player on your right.
Mana Screwed!
Everybody but you draws one card.
MANA BURN Disloyal-

The player on your right may steal a creature from your territory.
Play for ANTE with any player AUCTION two cards Go FISHING

Start here with a hand of three cards. Draw two cards when you pass (or land one) this space. When the Library empties, shuffle the Graveyard and put it here.

Forest of Worm-

Destroy one creature in play.
Benalish Heroes are now worth +4 until another -Lace is hit.
Quay at Phyrexia
Discard a Blue or Black creature if you have one.
Warren's Goblins
Any player may discard one Goblin right now to draw 4 cards.

Remove one unarmored creature from the game.
Play for ANTE with any player

Take the top card of the Graveyard if you land here exactly. You may only switch paths at the Graveyard if you land on it exactly, of if you have Drudge Skeletons in play.

Play for ANTE with any player. Hurricane at Kher Ridge
Everybody draws one card, but discards it if it is Red.
Drudge Skeletons do not function until another -Lace is hit.
Bleeding Scarwood
Take one Green or Red card out of the library.
All players with Benalish Heroes must play one game for Ante with the player on theri right.
Secret Passage
Steal one creature from the player on your right.
Go FISHING AUCTION two cards Play for ANTE with any player MANA BURN Tidal Drift
All Merfolk in play move one territory to the left.
Trust Me!
Draw 2 random cards from another player's hand.
Power Surge
Discard one card at random.
Marsh Gas
All Skeletons in play move one territory to the right.
Play for ANTE with any player Re-
The Game
The Internet
The Real World
Bug Light
Destroy one Scryb Sprite in play.
Hey, Scrub!
Go Fishing with every player.
Add 4 to every movement roll until another -Lace is hit.

Players with more cards than you must draw one. Those with less cards than you must discard one.
Time Twister
Shuffle the Graveyard into the Library.
New News Groups
Draw 5 cards. Discard any which are not black.
Magical Hack

Look at any player's hand.
MANA BURN Generous Pixie
Draw one card.

Players move backwards until another -Lace is hit.
Fire Drill
All players pass one card to the left.
Road Trip!
Roll Again.
Take the top card of the Graveyard.
Good Times Virus
Force another player to discard a random card.
All Night Flame War
Nothing Happens.
AUCTION two cards MANA BURN AUCTION two cards Card Economy
Roll again.
Hot Spoiler List
Draw 2 cards.
Gen Con Tourna-

Roll a die.
1-6: Discard one card.
10-12: Draw 4 cards.
Gen Con Auction
Auction the top 3 cards of the Graveyard.
Misplaced Library Card
Jump to any "Enter" space.
Go FISHING Engaging Back Story
Draw 3 cards and jump to "Enter the Game."
Comic Store
You may swap one card fr the top two cards of the Graveyard.
Guilt Trip
Give a card to the player of your choice.
any number of players to one big game for Ante.
Long Lost Box
Draw one card.
Go FISHING Hectic Swap
Discard one card and draw three.
Enter the Dojo
You may jump to "Enter the Internet" and draw two cards.
Magic: The Gathering™ is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., used by permission. MANA BURN designed by James Ernest, Paul Peterson, and the Cheapass Guinea Pigs.


Cheapass Games in conjunction with Andon Unlimited and the Origins™ Game Fair present:

The Cardboard Magic Card Collectible Trading Card Board Game, for 2-8 players
Concept by Paul Peterson; Design by James Ernest and Paul Peterson. Available only at Origins '98!

You and your opponent represent powerful wizards battling to complete their collection of Magic™ cards. You will travel through the Real World, the Internet, and the Game, trading, auctioning, and fishing for cards, and playing for Ante with other powerful wizards, who by a surprising coincidence need the exact same ten cards you do. The first player to finish his collection wins!

You need the MANA BURN Board on the other side of this page. You should probably find two copies of the game: one to play on, and one to read. It won't be hard, since we made ten thousand of them.
You also need Pawns for each player, two 12-sided dice, and a MANA BURN Deck.
The MANA BURN Deck is composed of eight copies of each of five creatures: Benalish Hero, Scryb Sprites, Drudge Skeletons, Merfolk of the Pearl Trident, and Mons' Goblin Raiders; plus twelve copies of each of five spells: Holy Armor, Giant Growth, Raise Dead, Counterspell, and Incinerate. If you can't find the right cards, you can susbstitute any set of five creatures and five spells. It helps if they are vaguely similar to the right cards, but hey. You're pretty smart.

Shuffle the deck, and deal a starting hand of three cards to each player. Place the rest of the deck face down next to the Library square. All players' Pawns start on the Library. Discards will go next to the Graveyard.

The object of the game is to collect one of each of the ten different cards. You win as soon as you do this, even if it's not your turn. It is possible, though very unlikely, that more than one person will win at the same time. If this happens, everyone must play again from the beginning. (Cruel joke.)

Movement: First, roll one die, and move with the arrows.
If you stop exactly on another's Pawn, you get to draw a random card from their hand. Do this immediately, before you read the square.
Then, follow the instructions on the square where you land.
When you pass the Library (technically, when you walk into it) draw the top two cards. You can always change paths at the Library.
When you pass the Graveyard, you must stay on the same path. However, if you stop directly on the Graveyard, you may pick up the top card of the discard pile, and you may also leave the Graveyard by any path.

If you are jumped to an "Enter" or "Re-Enter" space, it doesn't count as going past the Library or Graveyard.
If you land on a MANA BURN square, check the MANA BURN pile. If there are fewer than four cards in it (or if there is no pile at all) you must add a card from your hand to the pile. If the pile already has four cards in it, you get to take the entire pile.

Playing Cards. After moving your Pawn you may play one Creature, Sorcery, or Enchantment from your hand. You may only play one of these cards on the same turn.
However, you may play the three fast effects (Incinerate, Giant Growth, and Counterspell) at any time, as many as you like.
Any cards which you play are no longer part of your collectrion, even if they are sitting on front of you. You must have one of each card in your hand to win. Cards you play have lost their "collector value." *Snort*

Playing for Ante: Choose an opponent. Both players choose a card from their hand, and lay it face down. They each roll one die, and the highest roll takes both cards. If the game is a tie, players retain their own cards.
Players with no cards cannot play games for Ante.
Cards which affect Ante games: A Benalish Herop can add +2 to any player's die roll, once per Ante game. Giant Growth adds +3. Goblins make your opponent Ante at random. Extra Goblins make him Ante extra cards.

Trading: Choose one player and swap one card with him, face down. Both players may choose which card they give away, but neither knows what the other is offering.
Players with no cards cannot Trade.
Cards which affect Trading: If you have Goblins, your opponent must choose his card randomly. Extra Goblins make him Trade extra card.

Auctioning Cards: When you are directed to "Auction X Cards," take X cards off the Library and turn them face up. Starting with the player on your left, players may "bid" by discarding one card from their hand to the Graveyard, or they may pass. Once a player passes, he can not re-enter the auction. The last player to bid (the last player to discard) takes the cards being auctioned.
If no one bids, the cards being auctioned go to the Graveyard.
Cards which affect Auctions: If you have Skeletons, you can make one "false" bid, once oer Skeleton per Auction. A false bid keeps you in the auction, but you don't have to discard a card.

Going Fishing: Choose a player, and ask her if she has a particular card. If so, she must give it to you. If she has several, you only get one of them. If she has no such cards, she gets to "fish back," asking you for a card in the same fashion. Then, whether or not you are forced to give her a card, the fishing session ends.
Cards which affect fishing: If you have Merfolk, you get all copies of the card you asked for, not just one of them. This is even true when you are fishing back.

Benalish Hero:
Players who have a Benalish Hero in play may add +2 to any player's Ante roll, once per Ante per game. If you have multiple Heroes, you may add +2 for each of them.

Holy Armor: Play Holy Armor on a creature. That creature can't be destroyed by an Incinerate. However, the Armor itself can be destroyed by an Incinerate. You may play multiple Holy Armors on the same creature.

Scryb Sprites: You may re-roll your movement die once per turn for each Scryb Sprite you have in play. You must use your most recent roll; you can't change your mind and go back to the old one.

Giant Growth: (Instant, play anytime): Adds +3 to any player's movement roll, Ante roll, or any other die roll.

Mons' Goblin Raiders: Players with Goblins, when playing for Ante or trading, may select their opponent's card randomly. Furthermore, if you have more than one Goblin in play, your opponent must contribute an extra card for each extra Goblin you have. For example, if you play a game for Ante and you have 3 Goblins, your opponent must contribute a total of three cards, at random.
Also, players with Goblins may take the top card of the Graveyard when they pass it, even if they did not land there exactly.

Incinerate: (Instant, play anytime): Destroys one unarmored creature, or one Holy Armor card.

Drudge Skeletons: If you have Drudge Skeletons in play, you may always switch paths at the Graveyard, whether or not you land directly on it.
Also, you may make one "false bid" per auction. False bids counts as bids, but you don't have to discard a card. Multiple Skeletons give you multiple false bids in the same auction.

Raise Dead: This spell takes any card out of the Graveyard into y<our hand. (It doesn't have to be a creature.)

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident: When a player with Merfolk goes fishing and guesses correctly, he gets all such cards in the fished player's hand. For example, if you ask for Holy Armor, and your opponent has two, you get to take them both. This is even true when you are "fishing back."
Also, if you have more than one Merfolk when you pass the Library, you get to draw one extra card for each extra Merfolk you control. In other words, one Merfolk just gives you your normal draw, two Merfolk give give you one extra card, and so forth.

Counterspell (Interrupt, play anytime): Counters the playing of any other card. You must play this card right after the other one is played; you can't changed your mind and counter something later on.

Distributing Cards "Randomly":
To distribute a set of cards randomly, as you will sometimes be asked to do, assign the faces on the 12-sided die equitably among all players, re-rolling any unclaimed numbers. Roll a random owner for each card. Yes, this is horribly unfair. Bwoo-ha-ha-haa.

"May" vs. "Must": Unless a rule or board says you "may" do something, you must do it. However, players can't be forced to do something that makes no sense, like playing for Ante when they have no cards, drawing from an empty Graveyard, and so on.

Sometimes people will work very hard to control your movement roll. After the die is cast, everyone needs a chance to cast Giant Growths and Counterspells. Wait for the dust to settle before you move. If you give everyone the chance to act, and they don't, then the roll stands. This trick is especially useful when you're about to move across the Library and have your choice of destinations.
You can use your re-roll ability (Sprites) in response to a string of Giant Growths like this, so tease them all out of your opponents' hands before you re-roll.
You get Library cards as soon as you enter the square, so don't forget to draw. The cards you get may help you decide which way to go when you leave. If you're a hardcore timing nut, then you should pause while passing the Library, take your cards, and then decide how to finish your move. When you choose a path, pick the one that plays your strongest suit. For example, if you have Skeletons in play, choose the real world path, which is loaded with all the Auction squares.
Don't fish for Incinerates! Since they are instants, the player who is being fished can just throw them all at your creatures instead of giving them to you.
Do your best to keep track of which players have what. The more you know about everyone's hand, the better you will do.
Roll high. Guess correctly. Draw the right cards.

You can enhance the MANA BURN deck by adding other Magic cards. You don't need to collect these cards to win; they just add new special effects. Cards with banding act like Heroes, cards with flying act like Sprites, and cards with regeneration act like Skeletons. Well-chosen spell cards, like Hymn to Tourach or Wrath of God (yikes!) can do exactly what they say.

MANA BURN was designed in coordination with Wizards of the Coast and Andon Unlimited. All references to Magic: The Gathering™ and its cards and story elemetns are copyright © Wizards of the Coast, used with permission. All other content and game mechanics copyright © 1998 Cheapass Games.

Cheapass Games
is a smug little game company in Seattle. We make incredibly clever games, and sell them incredibly cheap. Hey, if we'll give away a cool game like this for free, just imagine what you might get for five bucks.

Learn more. Get in touch. Find us at booth # 407, or use traditional means:

Cheapass Games: 2530 E. Miller St. - Seattle, WA 98112 - (206) 324-6728
website: - email: [email protected]

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