Non-Standard Error Cards

Index | Images 1 (Bal) | Images 2 (Mon)

During the production of Magic cards, errors occur. Usually these cards are destroyed but in some cases a few of them survive or they are even kept intentionally.

Not all prerelease cards without a prerelease date are misprints. In some cases, the ink used for the date apparently has run out, thereby causing the date to be hardly recognizable. In case of real misprints, the date has not been printed on the card at all, and hence no stamp cards can be seen on the card.

Due to the almost identical design of older prerelease cards, copies of these cards without a prerelease date are supposed to exist, but are indistinguishable to standard cards and hence not listed.

Magic Rarities is currently not concerned with standard or unique misprinted cards. For these cards, please have a look at Squt's Misprint Page.

 Internal Links  External Links
Squt's Misprint Page











001 Balduvian Horde
(missing date)
Brian Snōddy ??? ????-??-??
002 Beast of Burden
(missing date and symbol)
Ron Spears ??? ????-??-??
003 Beast of Burden
(black print)
(Ron Spears) ??? ????-??-??
004 Dirtcowl Wurm
(misplaced date)
Dan Frazier ??? ????-??-??
005 False Prophet
(misplaced date)
rk post ??? ????-??-??
006 Feral Throwback
(missing date)
Carl Critchlow ??? ????-??-??
007 Feral Throwback
(misplaced date)
Carl Critchlow ??? ????-??-??
008 Fungal Shambler
(missing date)
Jim Nelson ??? ????-??-??
009 Glory
(missing date)
Donato Giancola ??? ????-??-??
010 Glory
(black printing)
(Donato Giancola) ??? ????-??-??
011 Island
(missing symbol)
Donato Giancola ??? ????-??-??
012 Laquatus's Champion
(dark printing)
Greg Staples ??? ????-??-??
013 Laquatus's Champion
(missing date)
Greg Staples ??? ????-??-??
014 Laquatus's Champion
(misplaced date)
Greg Staples ??? ????-??-??
015 Lightning Hounds
(missing symbols)
Andrew Robinson ??? ????-??-??
016 Monstrous Hound
(misplaced date)
  Dermot Power ??? ????-??-??
017 Raging Kavu
(misprinted date)
Arnie Swekel ??? ????-??-??
018 Soul Collector
(missing date)
Matthew D. Wilson ??? ????-??-??
019 Stone-Tongue Basilisk
(misprinted date)
Wayne England ??? ????-??-??